Staking ETH 2.0

ETH 2.0: The Future of Staking is here

Ethereum 2.0 is globally updated and departs from the Proof-of-Work algorithm. Computing power will no longer validate transactions, and this will make them more secure and faster. This will happen due to the transition to the Proof-of-Stake algorithm. It will be managed by validators, who will only need a regular laptop — no more hard software and too much waste of electricity. To become a validator in Ethereum 2.0, a minimum asset of 32 ETH is required. The more coins stored in the validator's wallet, the more likely it is to get the right to create the next block.

You really want to earn passive income, but your wallet does not have the required 32 ETH. What to do?

The Ethereum 2.0 pool allows token holders to bet almost any amount of ETH by joining forces. You overcome the barrier to entry, and also don't waste time running your own node. Thus, for small wallets or those who do not want to mess with the requirements applied to full participation, staking pools represent a great opportunity to profit from ETH without any problems. These services will do all the hard work for you. And after making a deposit in the pool, the role of the user is only to wait for a profit from the holding.

The reward depends on the number of tokens the validator has. The good news is that in order to mine cryptocurrencies by stacking, you don't need to understand the details of how PoS works. Just as if you want to mine bitcoins using cloud mining, you don't need to understand thousands of lines of Bitcoin code or understand complex hardware. For example, if you have 10% of the coin supply, you can "mine" only 10% of the blocks. This makes Proof-of-Stake a much more environmentally friendly algorithm compared to the PoW method.

Last updated